Wednesday 25 June 2014

About me!

Hello anyone who has taken out some of there time to read this!
 This weeks blog post I'm going to tell you about me! I am currently 14 and love fashion, life and beauty. My make up and fashion love came from You Tube as I was bored one summers day and was addicted to lush, so decided to type in lush on the internet I found videos from 'All that Glitters' and 'juicy Star' then got quite addicted! Then a couple months later I found make up videos and fashion videos, that's when I knew this was for me and I made my first ever You Tube video. It didn't go well and I opened two other accounts before I settled with this one 'Stylish Babe' I wanted to inspire people to step out of their comfort zone and be unique. It took a lot for me to tell any one but when I did they were so nice and supported me all the way! My dad got me a video camera and editing software aswell to help me to film good videos that people would actually want to see. I've uploaded two videos so far and I'm really happy at this time of life. I wanted to again step out of my comfort zone so now I'm starting up my very own blog. I'll be doing reviews and beauty/fashion tips and tricks, tune in every week for a new blog post and video (On my You Tube links at the end) I hope you enjoy this blog. Please follow me on Google+ to find out when the video and post has been uploaded!
Stylish Babe

You Tube:

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